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What is done cannot be undone, but one can prevent it from ever happening again

Just a friendly reminder to all hiking/trekking organizers in Cebu to please refrain from inviting strangers. It is wise to know your guests first, what are their capabilities especially when it comes to their medical conditions before openly inviting the public on treacherous hikes and long trips.

Sorry if this sounded a bit “gate-keeping” for some but let us understand that our hiking trails and mountains are still yet to be established, they’re not beginner-friendly. Even old-timers and well experienced hikers have had their fair share of bad injuries there. Majority of these places are still far beyond the LGUs control and almost out of scope from their area of responsibility. Which means, if anything bad happens to you (knocks on wood), there will be NO immediate help available from the authorities or a quick access and response from medical facilities.

Sure there is fun & excitement in meeting new people and hiking in groups but please do not compromise everyone’s health and safety. Be a responsible outdoors(wo)man.

“What is done cannot be undone, but one can prevent it from ever happening again” – AF

Article by: RP Outdoors & Bushcraft

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